
Can You Really Save Money While You’re Pregnant?

Check out these tips to save money while you’re pregnant and stress less when baby arrives

save money while pregnantPregnancy creates a lot of worries if you’re trying to save money while you’re pregnant. With constant doctor bills and trips to buy bigger elastic pants, you might wonder if the spending will ever stop. Rest assured that it is possible to sock away a good amount of cash while you are pregnant. Having that nest egg sitting on the side will give you some peace of mind when you need it most.

It’s never too early to start planning for your new arrival. There are lots of things you can do now to start saving for this major life event. Some of these tactics will help you get through other financially challenging times in life, too. Check out these tips to help you save money while you’re pregnant:

  • Calculate how much income your family will have coming in after you give birth. Start living on that amount of money now. Put the extra income into a savings account every pay period. Get in the habit of living on that tighter budget now so it hurts less later.
  • In the same line of thinking, trim your household budget now, any way you can. Eliminate all unnecessary bills. Downgrade your house or car. Think outside the box and approach your service providers about reducing your bills. Call your cell provider and ask for a better rate. You can try the same with your car insurance company. And it’s always a good idea to call your credit companies and ask for lower interest rates. It never hurts to ask!
  • If anybody in the family smokes, now is the time to quit. Cigarettes and alcohol are definitely a no-go for expecting mothers, and secondhand smoke is dangerous for pregnant moms and their unborn babies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says there is no safe amount of alcohol that’s safe for pregnant moms and babies. Cutting out these vices will improve everybody’s health and save your family a fortune in the long run.
  • Resist the temptation to deck out the nursery right away. The baby won’t notice that you didn’t paint his name on the wall. He doesn’t care if you have a Diaper Genie. He will not care if you change him on an expensive changing table or on any other surface. You don’t have to clean out Target’s baby department, so don’t do it! Save the money for something you will really need later on.
  • Consider making some extra money before the baby comes. There are some online gigs you can keep doing after the baby arrives, too. Online survey sites may not pay very much, but if you do a few surveys each day you can accrue a good bit of money. You could take on some virtual assistant tasks and work them from home. And of course, there’s almost always overtime at work.

Make Some Extra Money While Pregnant with Title Tree

Pregnancy and babies cost families a lot of time and energy. Economic forces can create unique challenges for young families. Making ends meet can feel like a daunting task with a new baby coming. Add on top of that the anxiety of being responsible for a new tiny person, and those overwhelming feelings can be too much. But it is possible to plan ahead and create a financial cushion for your family. Try a few of the above tips and see how far ahead you can get before baby arrives – you may surprise yourself!

Be patient with yourself as you strive to save money while you’re pregnant. It can be challenging for even the thriftiest of parents. Keep in mind, if you need some extra help as you work out the finances, a title pawn may help. Get in touch your local Title Tree store to find out whether you qualify.