
5 Ways to Spend Less of Your Money in the New Year

Can you really learn how to spend less of your money no matter how much is in your current budget?

Spend Less of Your MoneyDiscover how to spend less of your money, no matter what. You’ll be surprised to learn all the ways you can get big bargains capable of turning your finances around. With help from Title Tree, you can take a bite out of your budget and stock up on savings starting right now.

Spend less of your money starting today following these easy tips:

1. Overhaul your energy use and you’ll automatically spend less money.

Use plastic kits over windows to keep out the heat and the cold. Adjust the thermostat while you’re away. Learn how to use its programmable features where available. Don’t settle for wearing your coat in the house, but during winter, it’s a good idea to experiment with keeping the temperature lower than normal.

Surprisingly, using a humidifier to add a bit of moisture to the air can help you feel warmer. Change your furnace filter once a month, and insulate your hot water heater. Adjust water temperature to a comfortable 130 F; cut showers down to 10 minutes or less and wash clothes in cold water when possible.

Unplug chargers, gadgets and appliances that aren’t in use, and switch over to high-efficiency bulbs, some of which use 10 percent of traditional incandescent. Together, these actions can go a long way in lowering your monthly expenses.

2. Save money by finding cheaper alternatives for your entertainment.

The price for major cell carriers and cable providers is going through the roof. Thankfully most companies have cheaper third-party alternatives. These smaller, less expensive companies have access to the same services, literally.

Mobile Virtual Network Operators, like Tracfone and StraightTalk, piggyback off AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon. Streaming networks give you access to your favorite shows at a savings. Likewise, inexpensive antennas can receive the same digital broadcasts you’re currently paying big bucks for. Check out your area’s small screen potential with help from the FCC. If you’re locked into a contract, an early buy-out may be a cheaper alternative to an expensive monthly payment, and many of them have loopholes.

3. Take a bite out of your grocery budget.

Stop eating out and buying prepackaged foods packed with nasty preservatives. Kick soda pop, energy drinks and designer premixed coffees out of your cart too. Stick with healthier natural, whole foods, and invest in the cooking tools needed to make the most from them. This encourages careful planning as well as two important habits that will revolutionize how much you spend on groceries: shopping with a list and shopping once a week.

Finally, make meat less of a focus. Make a few vegetarian meals each week, and shop from the budget meats or use them only as an accent in soups, stew, casseroles or pasta dishes.

4. Request lower minimum payments and suspended interest.

Businesses know it’s much easier – and more affordable – to keep a customer versus make new clients. They’ll go to great lengths to keep their marketing base in a good mood. Asking for your creditors to lower their interest rates or minimum payments is one simple way to cut your bills immediately.

Nervous about asking? Try online chat systems or email for processing. Not only do these lower your blush factor, but they’re often more successful than simply asking over the phone where accents and attitudes can become obstacles.

5. Look into available public assistance programs.

Maybe it’s not an issue of cutting back as it is locating the resources you need. Social spending programs provide assistance to people in all kinds of ways. Healthcare, food assistance, help with rent and housing repairs, free and reduced childcare and other options are accessible to those without the funds to cover their bills.

There is nothing shameful about participating in help programs when you qualify. Check your eligibility, as well as the list of services in your area through COMPASS, and apply for help online.

It can take time and practice to learn how to spend less of your money, but it can be done. If you need a bit of wiggle room, a title pawn can help. Call or visit your nearest Title Tree store to find out whether you qualify.